Friday, October 15, 2010

Sukkot Break, Pt. 1 – Yam l’Yam

*I want to preface these next blog posts by saying they are long and filled with details mainly because I want to remember this amazing and challenging experience and because my mommy wants to know.  I won’t be offended if you skim over it, I just won’t talk to you again…   J

In the Jewish calendar, a plethora of holidays fall in September with Sukkot kinda culminating the holiday season. We (and the rest of Israel) got a week off from school and work during the Sukkot break, though we actually had 10 days off. My friends Arielle, Gabby, and I had been talking about doing a very long and intense hike across the width of Israel from west to east. Yam l'Yam (Sea to Sea) is intended to be a 3 or 4 day hike in which people hike from the Mediterranean Sea to Lake Kinneret. We bought hiking and camping equipment, nuts and other non perishable food (i <3 Nutella), got a very detailed but very in Hebrew trail map of Israel, and mapped out a route to take that would take 4 days to complete. Our plan was that we were going to rent a car with our friend/roommate Josh and he would drop us off at the trail head, pick us up when we ended, and then we would continue our break taking a road trip around Israel (because it's such a big country...). We started break by camping on a random beach in Nahariya with another group of friends planning a similar road trip. We drove down to the beach on Nahariya and attempted to find a secluded spot to camp but unfortunately we had to compromise to sharing our space with fishermen who were out the entire night/early morning and to camping next to a somewhat busy boardwalk.

getting ready to start the hike

Day 1: We tried to get and early start at 6 AM, but unaccustomed to the camping life and time consuming tasks such as rolling up sleeping bags and the tent, Josh didn't drop us off at the start until 730 ish. We started our journey in Achsiv with our heavy backpacks, lots of drinking water, and a small bottle filled with water from the Mediterranean because that's what you're supposed to do, take water from one sea and pour it into the other at the end. We spent hours hiking through banana trees, a nature reserve, and other less exciting lands, all the while enjoying beautiful views and stopping to drink plenty of water and eat snacks. We went through the Nahal Achsiv (riverbed), and halfway through we climbed out to camp in Park Goren where we thought there would be food and water and bathrooms. Unfortunately, there were no food or bathrooms so we had a delicious dinner of nuts and fruit and Nutella, and we passed out by 8 PM.

eating a pomegranate, my friends thought I liked way intense and armyish and loved this pic

view of Monfort from Park Goren

Day 2: People in the tent near ours felt bad for us because they knew we didn't have real food so as we were getting our stuff together in the morning, they brought over a giant tub of packed food for us to have for lunch. They were so nice and it felt good to have real food while hiking. We climbed down from Park Goren, while enjoying the view across the riverbed of the Montfort Fortress, and we continued through the nahal. I turned my ankle a couple times so I had to work through that the rest of the trip but it was all good. We walked through two springs, Ein Tamar and Ein Ziv, which were beautiful and refreshing to have cold water around. We passed a couple with a dog whom we thought was theirs, but as we hiked out of the nature reserve in the afternoon, the dog was laying by the exit and it would end up following us for more than a day. As we quickly learned, people don't do Yam l'Yam without tramping or hitchhiking. We were told numerous times to but Oranim doesn't let us and we wanted to be able to say we walked the whole thing, so we and the dog whom we named Mevich (awkward in Hebrew) because it looked awkward and mangy and awkwardly followed us started walking up a ginormous road to exit the nahal area. We then had to walk alongside Highway 89 where we soon realized because of the extra walking we did without tramping we were behind and wouldn't make it to where our second night’s campsite was. We called Kineret, one of our city coordinators, asking what she thought we should do and she had Ron (an Oranim tour guide) call us. Ron is possibly the best and funniest and most energetic tour guide ever, and he raised our spirits because everything was sababa and butterflies were flying. We were sitting at a bus bench and I told him we saw a sign that said Ma'alot to the left so he could know where we were and he responded that Ma'alot is to the east like China or something. He told us to find a park to sleep in and continue the next day since it was getting dark.  Knowing it was Shabbat and not much would be open, we stopped at the only gas station slash thing we saw which happened to be right next to a park.  We basically moved into the gas station, and after a much needed makeshift shower in the bathroom, we ordered pizza to be delivered to the station.  We went to sleep, setting our alarm for 445 AM hoping to get an early start and make up for lost time.  Sleeping in the park was a bit creepy because there were kids there hanging out late at night, but knowing Mevich was only a few feet away from our tent we felt safe ish, though we did have my Swiss Army knife readily available…

Day 3:  Before our alarm had a chance to go off, we were woken up around 430 AM by intense thunder and lightening and rain so we grabbed as much f our things as we could and ran to the gas station to seek shelter.  We waited out all the craziness, gathered all of our stuff, and continued on our trip by walking along the 89 for what seemed like forever.  The girls weren’t as big of fans of Mevich as I was and we felt bad he hadn’t eaten or drunken anything all day so we tried to leave our leftovers from the night before hoping he would take them and stop following us but we were clearly the better option.  What felt like a continuous uphill battle on the highway, we fought on, taking lots of breaks in whatever shade we could find (dog with us the whole time - according to my sister he was Nicki’s soul spending time with me after she died).  While stopped along the road, a car pulled up and man got out an asked if the dog was ours, and we said no and he said it was his even though it had been following us for a full day and night.  He took our dog which was a bit upsetting because we got used to having him around.  Fun findings alongside the road included a dead wild pig with a gross chunk missing from its abdomen and 2 skulls on the side of the road.  We walked through Hurfeish (a Druze village) and got frozen peas and carrots to ice our wounds and ate sambusak, some pastry calzone type dish they specialize in. We met up with our friends in the other car to camp at the base of Mount Meron and had a barbecue of delicious meat fulfilling our need for real food and protein.

hanging out at the gas station during thunderstorm

Mevich being taken away :(

the highway we walked along for forever


Day 4:  We started early in the morning knowing we had to climb all of Mt. Meron, the highest mountain in Israel).  The whole day it was overcast and we couldn’t see a view of anything, which we saw as a blessing in disguise because it meant it wasn’t hot hot hot.  Parts of the trail looked like it was the apocalypse which was very eerie.  We made good timing to make up for our setbacks, but it turns out, you're crazy to walk the whole Sea to Sea -- everyone hitchhikes and cheats so there was no way we could do it in 4 days.  While figuring out where to sleep and what to do about the rest of the hike and break, we learned that the following 2 days it was going to be forbidden to hike because of Level 6 heat (in Israel there are different levels and 6 means basically you can’t hike or do anything active outside from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon), so we decided God wasn't on our side to finish this and we wanted to experience more of Israel and not waste the money we put into the rental car.  After bad news from home and Arielle’s waterfall of emotion, we were ready for a change of pace.  We had Josh pick us up so we didn't die the next day because hiking would have not been an option since we'd be in the Nahal Amud without water or a way out.  Josh drove us to the Kinneret so we could pour our Mediterranean water into it like we were supposed to and have some closure (though we plan on completing it at some point before leaving Israel).  In need of food and a shower, we met up with our friends and camped in a pay campsite with real showers, which we enjoyed VERY much.

apocalpsy looking

cool reddish tree on Mt. Meron (I don't know how to turn it the right way)

pouring the Mediterranean water into the Kinneret

To be continued…
And pictures to be added...

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